Monday, November 23, 2009


I recommend to read Jacques Berthomeau’s post (in French) : « Le Languedoc Roussillon vu par les Québecois de la SAQ, ça décoiffe … » (“The Languedoc Roussillon according to the Quebecois from SAQ, it really takes your breath away…”). Did he expect the sorts of comments posted on his blog ?

In any case, I am happy to read Vincent Pousson’s comment, who I haven’t seen in ages, and is part of the people I had the pleasure meeting. He will know the reason why…

I liked the comment Michel Smith wrote, for I also believe that the lack of structure brought by negociants such as in Bordeaux, Champagne or Burgundy is the reason why this region is still like an unruly child waiting to get to task. We all know its talent still hasn’t shown…
Everybody is becoming impatient.

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