This event took place in a beautiful room, and was well organized with high quality guests and beautiful local products served with wines from Bernard Magrez, Chapoutier, Germain and 4 of our wines: Valandraud 2004, Virginie de Valandraud 2003, 3 de Valandraud 2002 and Dentelles 2002 from Domaine Calvet Thunevin. More than 250 people attended. We brought only 12 bottles and had to pour small doses. We ran out of wine by 9 pm. Luckily the party ended at 10 pm. Sales followed immediately. The sister of my friend Daniel, always full of energy, was attending as well as a few rugby players from the Biarritz team, a few wine enthusiasts, a few fans of the garagistes and the evening flew by in this extraordinary historical hotel which has one of the most beautiful views of France!
Its spa is as beautiful as the one in the Ritz in Paris… A dream, I tell you… Except that we had to drive for 3 hours each way in the same day… We went to bed at 1 am, and I woke up early to do my usual morning walk with Max, my 4 legged coach.

At lunch, we received Mr Robin (ex Seguin Moreau) and Kinette Gautier plus 3 or 4 people. The meal will be prepared by Murielle, maybe ceps! This evening, Guy is coming for dinner and the evening will be as casual and friendly. I need to think about getting a chauffeur!
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