Vieux Château Bourgneuf (Fayat-Thunevin)
Commanderie de Mazeyres
La Dominique, which made a big impression. When you think it has such prestigious neighbors…
We had lunch at the astonishing restaurant La Puce, a truck stop in Bigaroux which serves over 200 lunches at a very sweet price and copious portions. No time for a nap… the visits go on:
Le Clos du Beau Père (ex-Ratouin, ex Angélus in Pomerol ! yes yes !)
Haut Carles
Haut Mazeris
The day couldn’t finish without a nice and delicious meal in our house where we drank the following wines (all the reds were drank blind, difficult !) :
A nos amours 2005, Compassant 2004, Valandraud 1994, Petrus 1981, Haut Mazeris 2003, Croix de Labrie 1999, Calvet Thunevin Maury 2004, Ragnaud Sabourin Florilège, and a brandy from Crimée, made like a Cognac
Today I had lunch with my psychologist Pierre Marie C. I recommended that he shouldn’t get attached to his client. Jokes aside, Pierre Marie is Bac + 10 (?), from Bordeaux II with a PhD, and instructor, alumni from Normale Sup in Cachan and with a master in social sciences. He is writing a theses in social economy on statutory dynamics in the wine industry. Don’t ask me what it means, I don’t understand with my high school graduation…
(Just kidding ;-))
I was framed!!!!!!!
I see that bowl of truffled whipped potatoes in the background....or rather, I smell them.
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