Thursday, July 2, 2009

35° C (95 F) in the shade

Cicadas are singing their heads off with the tropical heat from these last days and today storms are back. Therefore, I turn again into a peasant, anguished by the clouds which had already brought hail not long ago. I can’t wait for the harvest!

So much work… but so much time saved !
On the French site La Passion du Vin, I regularly check the press reviews in the book section, as well as newspaper and web media.
I was so disappointed by this Faugere I tasted at Plaisance, you just have to read the comments written by readers on the site.
On the Carnet de Dégustation, I enjoy reading occasionally articles posted on the forum (the last editorial on the RVF)
On the the site of the Grand Jury European, the blog is always interesting.
What will Terre de Vins do to create a lively site? and the RVF? and, etc…
On Vinifera (Jacques Perrin), a few notes:
Valandraud 92-94
La Dominique 91-93
Fleur Cardinale 90-92
Haut-Carles 90
La Commanderie de Mazeyres 89-91

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