Thursday, May 12, 2011

Time (passing)

The 5th Philosophia Festival is to be held May 27, 28 and 29, 2011 (the mail from the trade organization lists 2001!)
In the agenda: the stages of life, wine, people, is it good to grow old?
Time... But they do it on purpose! Fortunately, I won’t be there!

The weather is still beautiful and the days for “icy” saints are over. The flowering is 15 days early: will the 2011 harvest start at the end of August?

It is also the time for the RVF show taking place at the Palais Brongniart in Paris on May 14 and 15: for a former bank employee like me, to present my wines in Paris in one of the temples of the French stock exchange, adds something more.
We will pour:
Chateau Valandraud 2008, Virginie de Valandraud 2008, Clos du Beau Père 2008, Chateau Bellevue de Tayac, 2008, Blanc de Valandraud N° 1 2008, Bad Boy 2008 and Baby Bad Boy 2009, as well as Fleur Cardinale 2007, Sansonnet 2007, along with our friends from Terre de Lisse, Pressac, Faugères and Rol Valentin.

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