Just returned from Shanghai with Laurent and Xin where I presented our company and some of our wines in the SIAL.We departed on Tuesday, May 8 very early, Bordeaux Paris on Air France, then Paris Shanghai on China Eastern (11 hours of flight). I was lucky to be upgraded to 1st class, in other words, I had a seat reclining 190°, into a small bed. It was definitely useful for when we arrived jetlagged with 6 hours difference, we had to leave again to Xin and Shenzhen (2 additional hours of flight) to meet an important client and sign a distribution agreement. It was a complex negotiation, with nice people. Still, it will be difficult to know if despite signing this contract, this will be a good partner. The next 6 months will tell us.

Back the next day for the SIAL where some of our colleagues were already there, fortunately, Laurent and Xin sent invitations in advance for without them, we would have not met interesting contacts: too many exhibitors and too many “amateurs” with our small stand near so many others, and the Ets Thunevin and our 6 bottles didn’t allow us to select the people passing in the alleys. However, it is the 2nd time we participate in this show, Laurent already went 2 years ago. We made a few good contacts and met 3 journalists and perhaps only 3 potential clients.
Was it worth it? Yes, in addition to our order, we closed a deal with these 3 new clients.
We didn’t have time to visit stores, do a little tourism or go to good restaurants (except one), for we returned on Saturday evening and arrived in Bordeaux on Sunday at 2 pm after missing our connection.
Today, Lunch at home with Staglin, a group of Americans with François Mauss.
During our stay in China, the futures campaign was quite calm and I hope this will be the same next week as I am traveling to the US (Boston and Las Vegas).
I read on La Passion du Vin that I was only writing about dollars and self satisfaction on my blog: it is true that my blog evolved quickly from “Blog of the owner of Valandraud” to “Blog of a wine merchant” for writing about what I practically don’t do anymore (work in the vineyards: I am lucky as it is Murielle’s domain) seemed, for me, not as useful and already well covered by blogs from nice and competent winemakers, when I don’t believe that there are not many from negociants.
The work of the negociant is simply the one of a merchant and I find it hard not to talk about Dollars, Yens, Huans, Euros, Swiss Francs… and how can I, who loves my job, not be optimistic, if not satisfied by my work (and my employees that I think I don’t forget).
Out from Château du Tertre, with an unfortunately too small allocation which would already be sold 10 times…